Sharda 450 Especially adsorption of Phosphorus, trace metals, pigment, calcium, magnesium   and easy- to- bleaching palm oil.  Reduction of operating and disposal cost, Improve finished oil quality, Potential to increase production quality.


Sharda 450 (Palm & Rice Oil)


Sharda 450 Especially adsorption of Phosphorus, trace metals, pigment, calcium, magnesium   and easy- to- bleaching palm oil.  Reduction of operating and disposal cost, Improve finished oil quality, Potential to increase production quality.

The recommended dosage of Sharda 450 can either be added continuously or in a batch process (agitation is necessary to mixture in suspension). Material may be filtered in a single filtration system (with bleaching clay)

Dosage (wt/wt/Oil) 0.05% – 0.15%
Oil Temp. 70 -85 Deg. C
Slurry tank residence Time 20 – 30Minitus
Oil Moisture 0.15 –0 30%



                                         SPECIFITION OF SHARDA ADSORBENT

Descriptions Sharda 450 (Palm, rice oil)
Moisture 15 % (Max.)
PH 3.2
Particle Size (> 75Micron) 20%